Today I would like to express my gratitude, respect and love to the people who guard our borders and keep us safe. Be it sunshine or rain, hail or snow, summer or winter, they relentlessly and dutifully perform their tasks and make sure that we could be safe and happy with our families, even if they have to stay away from their own families for months. May Allah bless you all. Thank you for your service.
I wish that I could stand guard to protect the Muslim lands, even if it is just for a day and a night.
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Keeping watch (at the frontier) for a day and a night is better (in point of reward) than fasting for a whole month and standing in prayer every night. If a person dies (while, performing this duty), his (meritorious) activity will continue and he will go on receiving his reward for it perpetually and will be saved from the torture of the grave."