1400 years ago, Muslims of Madina were running out of water. The main source of water was in the control of a jew who was charging a hefty price for water. The Prophet (peace be upon him) promised paradise to anyone who would buy that well for the Muslims. So Usman (may Allah be pleased with him) bought it from that jew at an exorbitant price and opened it for public use free of charge. The Prophet (peace be upon him) guaranteed that he will be among the people of paradise for doing that.
Today a ruler of an Islamic country has asked for help in arranging water for its citizens. A country should have water reserves sufficient for 120 day. Pakistan only have reserves enough for 30 days. It is feared that Pakistan will run out of water by the year 2025. Making a new dam is not open for debate anymore, it has become a matter of survival. Pakistan government does not have sufficient funds unfortunately. We do not want to take more loans on interest either. So he has given a general call for help to the citizens both living inside the country and to those who live abroad.
Today I am very happy to say that I have made my contribution in this noble cause. I would not have trusted the previous government with my money but I am willing to give this government a chance. Imran Khan has promised that he will spend every penny of this fund only on the dam.
No one thought Imran Khan would be able make a free cancer hospital for the poor. Out of the 20 experts who were consulted, 19 said that it is impossible and last one said it might be possible but its definitely not sustainable. Well we saw it become a reality and it has sustained for the last 20 years. Imran Khan then made another free cancer hospital and is planning to make a third one.
People didn't believe him when he said that he will make a technical university in a rural area. He did that too. The university has been operating for the last 10 years.
People used to bet with each other that he would never become the prime minister. This year another impossibility has been made possible when his party succeeded in the elections and he became the prime minister.
Now he is saying that he will make a new dam for Pakistan. Pragmatism tells me that it cannot be done. Pragmatism tells me that it will take years before we would be able to raise sufficient funds. But I was never a pragmatist. I am an idealist. I love to dream. I believe in dreams and I believe in doing everything I can to achieve those dreams. We just need to do our best and pray to Allah to take care of the rest.
I request all my fellow Pakistanis to give donations to this fund. No matter how big or small, it does not matter. Give whatever you can afford. When the Muslims didn't have the resources on the occasion of Tabook and a general call for help was made, a sahabi worked all night at an orchard and earned a handful of dates. When he brought those dates to the Prophet (peace be upon him), people started laughing, but the Prophet (peace be upon him) appreciated his effort and ordered the people to put those dates on top of the pile. So do whatever you can. Intentions are more important than the quantity.
Allah forgave a prostitute for giving water to a dog. She found a dog panting with thirst near a well. Thirst had almost killed him. So that woman took off her sock, tied it to her veil and drew up some water for the dog. Allah forgave her for that. Why won't Allah reward us for making our contributions towards arranging water for the whole country? All humans, animals and plants will benefit from it and they will be able to get water from that dam as long as that dam will exist. I don't even know how much we can be rewarded for arranging water for all those creations of Allah.
Here's to the crazy ones. Here's to the idealists. Here's to those who don't respect the impossibilities. Here's to those who give everything they got and convert the impossible into possible, making life better for the people and creating a better world in the process.
Pakistan is my home. Wherever I will be and whatever I will do, it will always be my home. Its achievements are my achievements and its troubles are my troubles.
Pakistan Zindabad!! ❤️🇵🇰️❤️
P.S. The account number written in this picture is not in the standard format. I was confused while doing the furikomi (bank transfer) at JP Post Bank and asked a bank employee for help. She got confused as well. She had to check the bank data base to come up with the correct format of the account number. One more thing, the account name has to be written in Japanese. English won't work. So here are the changes that need to be made for JP Post Bank.
Account Number: 00120-2-0429615
Account Name: パキスタン。ナショナル 銀行