Book Review: Essay On The Jinn by Imam Ibn Taymiyyah

An enlightening read on a sensitive topic. A topic that has been mentioned repeatedly in the Quran and Ahadith yet some people don't take it seriously (*cough* *cough* Hoodbhoy).

This book has really helped me in overcoming much of my fear of the unseen. No doubt Jinns are very powerful and dangerous creatures but Allah Almighty has not left us helpless. Tauuz and Ayatul Kursi are our great weapons against the influence of Jinns. Makes me wonder if this is one of the reasons why we have been asked to recite Ayatul Kursi before going to bed.

Now some excerpts from the book:
  1. "Sacrilegious acts are like a bribe to the Satan. It is similar to the case wherein a man may give another money to kill someone he wishes killed or to help him in performing some obscene act. Consequently, much of these amulets (taweez) have Quranic verses written in impurities like blood etc., or some Quranic words written backwords, or other things which please the devil may be written or spoken over them. When that which pleases the devil is written or spoken by men, he may help them attain some of their desires." (page 35)
  2. "Satan leads pious people into misguidance. Sincere devotees among heretics are in a way enticed to do acts which are prohibited (haram) or despised (makrooh) in the religion. Satan is able to make such misdeeds appealing to them by convincing them that they are among the Karamaat (supernatural or quasi-miraculous feats) of the righteous. However they are, without a doubt, Satanic deceptions because Allah cannot be worshipped by any religious injunction which is neither compulsory (wajib) nor recommended (mustahabb)." (page 59)
  3. "Many of those who call on Sheikhs in time of need saying, 'O master so and so, or Sheikh so and so, fulfill my need' have seen an image of the Sheikh saying, 'I will fulfill your need and put your heart at ease', then it fulfills their needs or repels their enemies. In such cases it is a devil taking the Sheikh's form when they committed Shirk by associating partners with Allah and calling on others beside him." (page 63)
  4. "The evil Jinns reveal to their human allies hidden knowledge which the ignorant masses assume to be among the miracles given only to pious God-fearing saints, when in fact they are only Satanic deceptions manifest in the devils' helpers, on whom is Allah's displeasure and who have gone astray." (page 86)